Over the past year Sigma Connectivity have worked closely with the US-based Adero in the development of its intelligent organization system. Adero is giving your essential things awareness and intelligence to keep track of themselves so you don’t have to. Adero is effectively telling them to “take care of this bag” and “take care of the essentials in this bag,” freeing your mind to focus on what matters most.
The partnership between Sigma Connectivity and Adero began with the concept phase in early December 2017, and only a year later – on December 3rd – Adero’s full service product launched. As a development partner, Sigma Connectivity is proud to have developed the Smart Tag and partner Taglet hardware and firmware as well as the production test system, with Sigma Connectivity’s world-class labs and rapid prototyping facilities enabling the rapid time to market.
“There is a strong trust within our partnership. Working with a fantastic team and using the right resources across the globe has secured a successful product with a short time to market” Cecilia Neikell, Project Manager Sigma Connectivity.
“When we set out to develop this product, we knew that we needed a world-class development partner because of the product complexity and the aggressive timelines,” said Adero Chief Executive Officer Nate Kelly. “We looked at multiple options but ultimately we decided to partner with Sigma Connectivity. Sigma Connectivity has the expertise and the labs we needed to get our products to the market successfully, and we also found a partner that is deeply aligned with our vision and values.”