In our prototype labs, both electronic & mechanical prototyping, we put together the first small series of prototypes and Proof-of-Concepts.
Electronic prototyping:
We have all the equipment and experience needed to assemble and rework/repair the first small series of electronic prototypes.
We have an in-house assembly line with component handling, solder paste stencils, pick´n place SMT areas, reflow oven and rework stations, and we handle all the smallest components, fine pitch and the latest technologies.
We support our customers and projects all the way from first idea until after production with the following:
Building a series of electronic prototypes and proof of concepts (between 1-100).
PCB assembly: Sourcing components, solder paste screening, Pick’n’place areas for SMT & reflow oven.
Quality control, Component baking, Vacuum packing.
Advanced lab for rework & repair (switching/mounting components & extracting signals).
Project support for rework of existing prototypes & products.
Rework stations for BGA mounting & support for smallest components and latest chip technology.
Mechanical Prototyping:
In our mechanical workshop, we make the first design models, mockups, production fixtures and jigs.
We have an extensive machine park, including 2 CNC machines and two 3D printers, and all other tools required for mechanical prototyping.
Building a series of electronic prototypes and proof of concepts (between 1-100).
Full mechanical workshop for model & fixture making, including CNC machines and laser cutter
High-resolution design models, mockups & mechanical parts
Rework existing models & fixtures for fast project support
3D printing (Polyjet & FDM)
Analysis Lab:
In our analysis lab, we assure the quality of our prototypes and help our customers with root cause analysis and failure analysis with the help of a 2D & 3D X-ray machine, Microscopy, Dye & Pry and Cross Sectioning.
In our analysis lab we do the following:
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Environment, Health & Safety Errands (EHS)
Corporate Sustainability (PCB & silicon measurements)
Failure analysis: Dye & Pry, Cross Sectioning, Microscopy
X-ray (2D & 3D/CT-scan
Contact our team
Anders Baptiste
Engineering Manager, Prototype Labs